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Jewish Cinematheque: Africa
Actor Meir Gerner discusses his son Oren Gerner’s movie “Africa,” a docu-fictional drama based on the real-life experiences of family and friends in the Israeli community settlement of Nirit, and centered on his aging father’s struggle to find meaning. 57
Jewish Cinémathèque: Fiddler’s Journey to the Big Screen
Filmmaker Daniel Raim discusses “Fiddlers Journey to the Big Screen,” his documentary featuring behind-the-scenes footage, cast and crew interviews and more about the making of the beloved musical film “Fiddler on the Roof.” 85
Rabbi on the Sidelines: Mia Raskin
Rabbi Erez Sherman is joined by Mia Raskin, who shares her journey as the daughter of a Conservative Rabbi and a shomer-Shabbat student athlete who plays Division One Basketball for Binghamton University. 38
JBS Series
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Jewish Cinémathèque: Ahed’s Knee
Acclaimed Israeli writer/director Nadav Lapid discusses Ahed’s Knee, his imaginative psychodrama about an Israeli filmmaker who finds himself fighting for his freedoms and his mother’s life in a remote desert village where he’s presenting one of his films. Hosted by Eric Goldman. 58
Rabbi on the Sidelines: Tamir Goodman
Former American-Israeli pro basketball player Tamir Goodman, known as the “Jewish Jordan,” describes his love of the game, love of Torah, and how faith has carried him through his sports journey from Baltimore to college basketball to making Aliyah. 57
Harmony Yoga: Kripalu Yoga Sessions
Tekes Ma’avar 2022