Rabbi Mordechai Becher discusses the existence of doodles that appear in the margins of ancient texts, guiding us through a charming and humorous look at the humanity of doodling, and the reassuring fact that this aspect of human culture has not changed in thousands of years. Rabbi Mordechai Becher is Gateways Organization senior lecturer and […]
Read moreFilmmaker Alon Schwarz discusses his documentary AIDA’S SECRETS, the story of long-lost brothers born in Bergen-Belsen and separated in a DP camp who reunite late in life to first meet their mother and her secret. New Jewish Cinema with Judy Gelman Myers. 462
Read moreRabbi Mark S. Golub discusses Jewish values and Jewish community for Yom Kippur Morning. From Chavurot Aytz Chayim and Deevray Torah, Connecticut. 283
Read moreRabbi Mark S. Golub discusses the Akedah – the Binding of Isaac — in the context of the Jewish value of g’milut chasadim, acts of lovingkindness. From Chavurot Aytz Chayim and Deevray Torah in Connecticut. 58
Read moreFor Erev Rosh Hashanah, Rabbi Mark S. Golub discusses the central Jewish value of g’milut chasadim, “acts of loving-kindness,” as the theme of the Ten Days of Awe. From Chavurot Aytz Chayim and Deevray Torah in Stamford, Connecticut. 82
Read moreWWII Veteran Dan Roberts describes his personal story, including serving in the European theater, capturing a Nazi officer, being wounded for which he received the Purple Heart; and his love for Israel and the Jewish People. With Mark S. Golub. 47
Read morePaul Strassman continues his story of survival as a partisan fighting with the Russians, and discusses the need for the Jewish community to be prepared to defend itself and the State of Israel against its enemies. JBS series Witness. 167
Read moreNoah Rothman, Assistant Online Editor for Commentar. discusses his piece critical of the Far Left’s “resistance” to Pres. Trump and offers his analysis of the overall political scene and the failures of both Democrats & Republicans. With Mark S. Golub 167
Read moreSinger/Songwriter Daniel Kahn, Painted Bird, a leading figure in the Klezmer revival movement, performs Yiddish songs, cabaret, and punk folk music. With Jake Shulman-Ment and Psoy Korolenko, a program of KulturfestNYC 2015 from Joe’s Pub in NYC. 236
Read moreIn this episode of Millennial Perspectives, NYU graduate students Pessy Katz, and Michael Weston-Murphy discuss their personal journeys and their joint work as co-founders of the NYU graduate student multi-faith group ‘Agora.’ With Rabbi Yehuda Sarna. Episode 4 255
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