Rabbi Mark S. Golub explores notions of chesded and doing acts of loving kindness as it relates honoring the memory of loved ones and being there for others. From Chavurot Aytz Chayim and Deevray Torah, Connecticut. 143

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Rabbi Mark S. Golub introduces the Kol Nidre prayer with thoughts on g’milut chasadim, ‘acts of lovingkindness’. From Chavurot Aytz Chayim and Deevray Torah, Connecticut. 223

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Rabbi Mark S. Golub discusses the Akedah – the Binding of Isaac — in the context of the Jewish value of g’milut chasadim, acts of lovingkindness. From Chavurot Aytz Chayim and Deevray Torah in Connecticut. 58

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For Erev Rosh Hashanah, Rabbi Mark S. Golub discusses the central Jewish value of g’milut chasadim, “acts of loving-kindness,” as the theme of the Ten Days of Awe. From Chavurot Aytz Chayim and Deevray Torah in Stamford, Connecticut. 82

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On Yom Kippur, Rabbi Mark S. Golub reflects upon on how Jews need to embrace the Jewish People by supporting Jewish institutions and the State of Israel. From the services of Chavurat Aytz Chayim and Chavurat Deevray Torah . 61

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Rabbi Mark S. Golub shares some thoughts in preparation for the opening service of Yom Kippur on the most solemn night of the Jewish Year, Kol Nidre Eve. From the High Holiday service of Chavurat Aytz Chayim and Deevray Torah . 87

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Rabbi Mark S. Golub leads his congregation in the memorial service, martyrology and closing service of Yom Kippur. From the services of Chavurat Aytz Chayim and Chavurat Deevray Torah in Connecticut. 99

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Inspired by Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Broadway musical “‎Hamilton,” JBS President Rabbi Mark S. Golub surprises his CT congregation with a prayer in rap to end Erev Rosh Hashanah Services. CLICK DOWN ARROW BELOW TO SEE LYRICS: ****** At Westhill High Rosh HaShanah Eve To greet the Year – I do believe We’ve come together to relieve Anxiety In […]

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Rabbi Mark S. Golub delivers thoughts on the importance of tzedakah and the importance of support for, and thoughtful and open discussion about the State of Israel. 123

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Rabbi Mark S. Golub delivers thoughts on the importance of tzedakah and the importance of support for, and thoughtful and open discussion about the State of Israel. 48

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