A panel discussion from Hadassah about the latest in genealogy tech, family-roots research, and potentially unsettling DNA discoveries, as well as the impact that genealogical research is having on people who want to discover their Jewish heritage. 43
Read moreMark S. Golub z”l, former President of JBS and Rabbi of Chavurot Aytz Chayim and Deevray Torah in Ct, surveys key historical facts one needs to know to understand why a Two-State Solution has been impossible. From Meadowbrook Women’s Initiative at Levittown NY Library. 68
Read moreIn celebration of the 50-year anniversary of women in the rabbinate, Hadassah Magazine Executive Editor Lisa Hostein moderates a panel featuring the “Four Firsts,” the four extraordinary women who each made history by being the first ordained rabbi in their respective denominations — Rabbis Sally Pries, Sandy Eisenberg Sasso, Amy Eilberg and Sara Hurwitz. 42
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