JBS is a non-profit educational media channel and we rely on viewers like you to support our work that inspires, informs, and connects Jews and non-Jews all over the world.
As JBS Strategic Analyst David Harris refers to it, JBS is “the public square of the American Jewish community.”
Major gifts are very important and there are two ways you can help:
  1. Become a series sponsor of Defending Israel with David Harris, In the Spotlight with Abigail Pogrebin, Fighting Antisemitism–The ISGAP Hour or any number of our other important programs.
  2. Become a part of specific groups that support us at different levels.
Visionary    $20,000 and above
Builder        $15,000 to $19,999
Guardian     $7,500 to $14,999
Sustainer    $5,000 to $7,499
Supporter   $3,600 to $4,999
Contributors who donate $3,600 or more are welcome to have their name listed on “Made Possible By” at various times during our programming on JBS.   Specific program sponsorships have different levels of giving.
Both types of listings can be your name(s) or in memory of or in honor of someone important to you.
We appreciate your consideration as you think about how to support JBS.
Please contact Edith Samers for inquiries – [email protected] 203-536-6914.
We thank you for your kind support.